If you would like to book at tour of our school for a September 2025 place please email secretary@kea.cornwall.sch.uk

Class Information


Welcome to Parry Class

Year 6 


Class Teachers: Mrs Drzymala & Mrs Pickford


Teaching assistants: Miss Lottie Hinton

Start time: 8:55 (doors open 8:45)

Finish time: 3:30





Summer Term
'Brainiacs & Breakthroughs'
Brilliant minds, Brilliant Inventions!
For our final term of the year and at Kea School, we will be taking a thrilling ride through history and discover how scientists changed the world, from steady advances in technology to sudden leaps in understanding. We will discover how our world has been radically transformed from the discovery of fire and the wheel, right through to the Information Age; some by fortuitous mistakes and some through years of perseverance, passion and resilience. 
Spring Term 
'Rescue & Survival'
How far would you go to save a life?
We will be looking at astonishing rescue missions on the most deadly mountains on Earth, the heroism of the indomitable RNLI and daring aborted space missions. We will also explore how when a community comes together as one, the determination and courage of the human spirit is at its best. And... how when people are confronted with the most unbelievable of situations, they can find the strength and ingenuity to overcome. 
Previous topics:
Our topic title for Autumn term is 'KrEATIVE INDUSTRIES- An immersive learning workplace'
Our classroom will become a creative media workplace and we we will be 'commissioned' to produce digital media content about the Tudors. The media we create will be aimed at 7-11 year olds and our in-house teams will choose the content of the media, which aspect of Tudor history to focus on, and what they want to create. We may have teams working on webpages, videos, apps and games all based on our humanities area of learning, 'The Tudors and Stuarts'.
See the overview below for more information about what learnt about this term.
Our topic title for the Summer term was 'The Show Must Go On!'
Our learning was centred around our end of KS2 production and we  became a 'professional' theatre company for a few weeks!
Our topic title for the Autumn term last year was 'From macabre to merry!'. We learnt all about the Victorians, starting with the more macabre aspects to this period, such as their love of ghost stories and obsession with the paranormal, through to the Christmas customs that they followed- many of which have influenced how we celebrate Christmas today.
For more information about the learning that we covered this term, please see the overview below.