At Kea CP School, we want our children to be enthused scientists with an awe and wonder of the world around them.
By the time they finish Kea School, our scientists will have the right knowledge and investigative skills ready for their secondary education. They will already be able to see the relevance of science in their own lives and begin to imagine future science-related careers based upon it.
Through careful planning, we ensure that the science National Curriculum is covered fully and link it to our whole school four year rolling programme wherever possible. We take advantage of our rich school grounds and venture beyond into our local area for trips, such as to the beach. We also welcome visitors into school, and work with our feeder secondary school to provide a rich scientific experience. As our scientists progress through school, they will revisit topics and build upon prior knowledge, ensuring challenging progression in knowledge and understanding and skills.
Our scientists develop excellent knowledge in the broad areas of biology, chemistry and physics and see how this applies to their lives and the world around them. We value the importance of key vocabulary, whether that be knowledge based or scientific enquiry. Teachers enable the scientists to have opportunities to develop key skills such as questioning, observing, investigating, problem solving, recording and presenting. They grow in confidence when posing their own lines of enquiry. Lessons are accessible to all, considering the needs of all learners to ensure all achieve their potential.
The children are invited to sow, look after and observe their sunflowers growing at home over the summer. They should research what sunflowers need to grow and how to look after them. They may like to write down measurements at different times to see how much it is growing. Take photos to show how much it has grown and when you think it’s grown fully, make sure you have a photo of you stood next to the sunflower and write down accurate measurements.
Did you know that standard sunflowers usually grow from 6 to 10 feet tall. Giant sunflower varieties can grow to a height of 15 to 20 feet, and the world record sunflower reached a height of 30 feet and 1 inch and was grown in 2014 – I wonder if any staff of children can beat that!!! Watch this space for updates.