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Class Information

Welcome to Rescorla Class
Year 5


Class Teachers: Mr Barnard & Mr Carey


Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tamsin Morgan


Homework is due by Friday each week.


Summer 2
World of Sports
We will be studying sport across the globe, including EURO 2024 and the Paris Olympics, and using it as a focus for exploring different geographical areas, including Europe and South America. 
Previous Topics: 
Summer 1
Ancient Greece
We will be studying the importance of the Ancient Greek civilisation and how they influence the modern world. 
Spring 2
We will be studying the importance of the Mayan civilisation and also focusing on space as part of our science unit. 
Spring 1
Rivers and seas
We will be studying important rivers and mountain ranges around the world, as well as how they shape human geography such as the location of cities. 
Autumn 2
Festivals & Faith -Islam 
We will be studying Islam as our world religion and will learn about what Muslims believe, how they pray, their main festivals and what it is to be a young British Muslim today. 
Autumn 1
Tudors & Stuarts
This term we will be studying the Tudors & Stuarts. From battles and beheadings, to plots and plague, this era is full of dramatic events that shaped Britain. It was a time when England and Wales were finally united, England gained control of parts of Ireland and a Stuart King brought Scotland and England under one king. It was an era of adventurous explorers, scientific geniuses and political trailblazers.
Not an era for the faint hearted!
Summer 1
'Bravery & Beyond' 
This term we will be looking at 'maps and mapping'  in particular rivers and mountains of the world. We will be exploring how people in the past have set out to conquer the far corners of the world- places unknown to man. Our focus will be studying the lives of famous explorers including Sir Edmund Hillary, Ibn Battuta, Amelia Earheart and Sir Robert Falcon Scott. 
Spring Term 2
Looking After Our World
During this topic we will be collecting and recording evidence about how land is used. We will also be explaining why cities of the world are located close to rivers and how a location fits into its wider geographical location. We will also be looking at how we can look after our world through charitable enterprise where the children will have to make as much profit as they can by planning and carrying out an event on a budget.