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Welcome to the Year 3 homework page.
Set Friday, in on Wednesday (unless otherwise stated).
If your child has any issues with their homework, please let us know as quickly as possible and we will help.
Homework format
Task 1 consists of TTRS, spelling and reading.  This task has a weekly deadline.
The following tasks are set half termly.
Task 2 is a focus on KIRFS across the curriculum.
Task 3 will be set once per half term to allow for creativity.
 Click below to practice this week's spelling pattern.
Use the Educandy links below to practise this week's spellings or revise previous patterns. Enjoy the games!
Here is a helpful letter from Times Tables Rock Stars which will help you to get the most out of the program. 
Here is a video to help practice forming all of our letters using Kea's handwriting script.  Choose letters your child finds difficult to focus on. Focus in particular on letter size and ensuring descenders (g, y, p, f) go below the line and ascenders (l, b, d) are tall.