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Previous Week's Learning 22nd-26th February

Year 1 Home Learning
   Please find our weekly overview plan, daily lessons and resources below.
               Archived lessons are on the page named "Previous Week"
This week's assignments to submit to Teams:
1) Tuesday – Please send a picture of the amazing joined handwriting you are learning this week- lp mp

2) Wednesday – Please send a photo of your special place (See the PSHE power point in the afternoon activities). You can just send a picture or you can also give some reasons why it is special to you.

3) Thursday - Submit photos, drawings or writing about the plants and tress that you see outside.
This week's Live Teams Meetings:
Tuesday 2:30 -  with Mrs Olive - "Fun With Riddles"
Thursday 1:30 -  with Mrs McPherson. Come and listen to the story and play a fun game afterwards.
Week Beginning - 22.2.21 
Overview Plan of this week's learning
Monday  22nd Feb
Tuesday 23rd Feb
Tuesday – Please send a picture of the amazing joined handwriting you are learning this week- lp mp


Wednesday 24th Feb

2) Wednesday – Please send a photo of your special place (See the PSHE power point in the afternoon activities). You just send a picture or you can also give some reasons why it is special to you.

Please practise your handwriting every day
Thursday 25th Feb
3) Thursday - Submit photos, drawings or writing about the plants and trees that you see outside
Please continue to practise your handwriting again today, remembering to start the "m" at the top, make your "l" as tall as the line and the tail on your "p" hang down under the line.
We will be adding more adjectives and similes to our riddles we wrote yesterday.
Friday 26th Feb
Today, you need to check your riddles for any mistakes with spelling or punctuation. Then you need to fold a piece of paper in half like a card. You will neatly write all the clues on the outside and the answer on the inside. Now ask someone to try to solve your riddle!
Afternoon Activities
Please choose an activity to do in the afternoon.
Linked Assignments:

Wednesday PSHE-“My Special Place”

Thursday Science- “Plants and Trees You See Outside”