Our website is currently being updated. If you can't find the information you need, please contact the school office.

General Resources

Welcome to our Year 1 Home learning page
Our dearest Year 1 children, we are so sad not to be able to welcome you all back to school as planned. We will however be setting you lots of fun learning to do at home. Please don't worry if you can't get through all of the learning each day. As long as you try your best to do your phonics, some reading, literacy and maths, then you can choose an extra curriculum activity from the "Afternoon Activities" if you have time. 
On this "General Resources" page, you will find general  resources to support your learning. On our "This Week's Learning" page, you will find the learning and resources you will need for each day.
Every morning we will try to send you a short welcome video on our "This Week's Learning" page, with a register question for you to chat to your family about before you get started. 
We want you and your parents to feel reassured that we are still here to support you with your learning, so please don't hesitate to contact us via the school office if you need our help.
Mrs Olive and Mrs McPherson